
The power of personalization in B2B Customer Experiences
Solving the 7 challenges to digital success for CMOs, CIOs and CDOs


Mastering B2B customer experiences is about building and fostering a digital, long-term business relationship. This requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves more aspects of the business and its leadership. By aligning goals and cultivating a mutual understanding of marketing needs, company CIOs, CMOs and CDOs can collaborate to create communications and journeys that put the customer in the center of everything.

The key to it all is to leverage the power of CDP (Customer Data Platforms) to help unify customer profiles from disparate sources and touchpoints, creating segments and delivering more granular and effective communications. A CDP allows you to create personalized experiences for your B2B customers at scale. 

In this whitepaper you will learn how to make this work in practice and overcome the key challenges that you will likely face:

  • Insights into the Digital B2B landscape, Digitalization and CDOs
  • The top 4 challenges CDOs face
  • The top 2 challenges of B2B marketing today
  • How to overcome the 2 main architectural challenges to delivering customer experience
  • Customer Data Platforms: what are they and how can they help you overcome all the B2B challenges listed above
  • The approach to implementing a CPD

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