Compliance with the Digital Product Passport (DPP) CHECKLIST

The Digital Product Passport becomes relevant in the textile industry!

Sustainability is inevitable for companies. Customers and business partners are increasingly demanding sustainable products, and the EU is introducing the mandatory Digital Product Passport. This passport is intended to remedy information deficits regarding recycling and repair options. And for the textile industry, this requirement starts already in 2026. 

Get an overview on 7 steps that need to be considered for companies in the textile industry when getting ready for the DPP and start your preparation now!


The checklist includes:

  • Step-by-step guide to audit your current performance
  • Solutions for applying DPP regulations onto individual processes
  • Extra information for manufacturers

Don't miss the chance to future-proof your company.

Download the Checklist now.

SQLI is your partner for digital transformation. With our expertise in the Digital Product Passport, we support you in meeting all legal requirements.